Since its creation in 1889, Belgium-based company FN Herstal has designed, developed and manufactured small-calibre firearms and associated products using state-of-the-art technologies. Over the decades it has established itself as a leading supplier of light and portable weapons, integrated weapon systems and ammunition to military and special forces operators worldwide.
Recent years have been no different, with FN Herstal launching a number of newly developed products.
The FN SCAR family includes an assault rifle chambered in 5.56 or 7.62 calibre, a 40mm LV grenade launcher and a precision rifle. The FN SCAR assault rifle has been designed for, tested, adopted and is used by the most demanding combat units. Highly adaptable with two quickly interchangeable barrels (either short or standard), the weapon is lightweight, modular, ergonomic, accurate and highly reliable in the harshest conditions.
Mounted under any FN SCAR assault rifle or as a stand-alone launcher, the FN40GL grenade launcher provides increased capability to the user. The FN SCAR precision rifle, while retaining the ergonomics and reliability of the assault rifle, has been adapted for increased range and accuracy for sniper support or designated marksman roles. The FN MINIMI 7.62 light machine gun combines the ergonomics and handling characteristics of the famous FN MINIMI 5.56 – the world’s most widely deployed 5.56mm machine gun – with the range and power of the 7.62 NATO cartridge. Fully tested and in full production, the combat-proven FN MINIMI 7.62 has been adopted by several armed forces across the globe.
On the integrated weapon systems side, FN Herstal offers a range of complementary deFNder remote weapon stations. These have been designed, developed and manufactured to meet the market requirements for machine guns fitted onto new or existing vehicles or static platforms while ensuring full crew protection (see advertisement on opposite page). FN Herstal’s product portfolio also includes handguns, submachine guns, heavy machine guns, less-lethal launchers, fire control systems and integrated weapon systems for air, land and sea applications.