The MMD Demining Sizer Rig is destined for deployment in Zimbabwe, which remains one of the most highly mine-impacted countries in the world. Small plastic mines – extremely difficult to detect and densely packed – run for hundreds of kilometres, close to houses, schools and agricultural land. Clearing the minefields using traditional methods is a slow, painstaking job with a high level of risk. The border minefields are therefore an ideal place to introduce Sizer technology for demining. The length and density of the mine lines means that the trailer rig’s ability to be quickly set up, set down or relocated will allow a greater throughput of mines and soil.

HALO is planning for this single trailer rig to clear approximately 75km (39%) of the 191km of minefields for which it is responsible for clearing in Zimbabwe during 2018-25. In the process, it will destroy more than 100,000 landmines. This will transform the lives of tens of thousands of local people, whose villages, clinics and schools have been cut off by minefields. Five years in development, with additional support and contributions from ABB, Siemens, Westbury and Conveyor Units, the mobile Demining Sizer rig works by receiving excavated soil containing anti-personnel landmines: two Sizers process material, ensuring that all mines contained in the soil are crushed or detonated.

MMD’s patented Sizer technology is perfectly suited to handle the wide range of soil conditions that can be encountered, from wet and sticky to hard and abrasive, or a combination of both through the same machine. Its remote control operation and observation will also remove human contact in the highly sensitive minefields, making HALO staff safer.

MMD has invested design and engineering expertise to customise the Sizer’s tooth profile and shafts, to ensure that no mines can pass through without being destroyed.