Ilias Solutions

ILIAS Solutions provides information management systems specifically focussed at security & defence organisations. Our software systems cover functionalities in three core domains:

  • Material Management,
  • Personnel Management,
  • Operations Management.

The ILIAS information management system has a modular design. Each domain is covered by a specific module and a hierarchy of sub modules. From a technical point of view this translates into a portfolio of software components that can be selected and configured to order for each individual implementation to respond to your specific requirements and to cover your specific issues.
This architecture and approach gives us the flexibility to provide tailored made solutions based on a standard information management system, best of both worlds. Typically we distinguish two types of implementations:

  • The enterprise software suite that covers the core and support processes E2E and hence has a major impact on a large part of the organisation, typically a service;
  • A point solution is composed out of the same software components but focuses on specific niche issues such as Small Arms & Ammunition Mgt, Asset Transport &Tracking, Personal Equipment Mgt … Therefore the organisational scope and/or impact of such an implementation is far lower.